Hydro Thunder

Hydro Thunder

all boats and tracks:
Get a new record and enter ?pb as your initials.

Secret Place:
In Arctic Circle, the turn before you get to the
killer whales, go where there is a little ship on
the right with a hole in the wall behind it, and
then there is a huge ship straight ahead. Stay to
the left side and you will go over a bump and then
go through a tunnel in the middle of the ship.
You will hit a series of boosts, if you stay to
the center, and then around the turn you will hit
a pad which sends you really fast right to the
finish line.

More Tracks & Boats:
Get Medium difficulty tracks and boats by completing
all 3 easy tracks in 1st or 2ndplace.
Get Hard difficulty tracks and boats by completing
all 3 medium tracks in 1st or 2nd place.
