Hidden & Dangerous

Hidden & Dangerous

Cheat mode
Enter "RVL" as a name at the name entry screen
and keep the "L" highlighted for the next letter.
If done correctly, your name will appear as "RVLL"
with the second "L" still flashing. Press Start to
delete your name and press B to return to the main
screen. "All missions" and more options will now
be available. Pause the game during a mission to
display a menu with a variety of cheat options.

Cheat Codes
Enter "IWILLCHEAT" as a name or at any menu screen
during the start of the game on a Dreamcast Keyboard
to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following
codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Pause the game and type "CANTDIE" on a Dreamcast
Keyboard. Note: Explosions are still harmful.

All items
Pause the game and type "ALLLOOT" on a Dreamcast
Keyboard. All weapons, uniforms, keys, and items
will be added to the inventory.

Open all doors in current mission
Pause the game and type "OPENALLDOOR" on a Dreamcast

Instantly kill all enemies
Pause the game and type "KILLTHEMALL" on a Dreamcast
Keyboard. Note: This also will kill hostages, and
may cause mission failure.

Display player's coordinates
Pause the game and type "PLAYERCOORDS" on a Dreamcast

Full health
Pause the game and type "GOODHEALTH" on a Dreamcast
Keyboard. All of your teammates health will be restored.

Resurrect dead teammates
Pause the game and type "RESURRECTION" on a Dreamcast

Mission skip
Pause the game and type "MISSIONOVER" on a Dreamcast
