Confidential Mission

Confidential Mission

Mission select:
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty
setting with the good ending.

Another World option:
Successfully complete all training levels in Agent
Academy mode to unlock the "Another World" option.

Bonus training levels:
Successfully complete Another World mode to unlock
twelve additional training levels in Agent Academy mode.

Gold guns:
Successfully complete training levels one through
eighteen in Agent Academy mode to unlock gold guns
for your character to use in the regular missions.

Sega lightguns:
Successfully complete all training levels in Agent
Academy mode to unlock Sega lightguns for your
character to use in the regular missions.

Game Shark Codez:
Master Code First (Must Be On) [Note 1]

 Master Code Last (Must Be On) [Note 2]

 Infinite Credits

 High Score P1

 Note 1
 This code must be the first code in the list of Game Shark codes
 entered for this game.

 Note 2
 This code must be the last code in the list of Game Shark codes
 entered for this game. If more codes are entered after this code,
 then this code must be deleted and moved to the bottom of the
 list of Game Shark codes for this  game again.
