Nobunaga's Ambition - Iron Triangle

Nobunaga's Ambition - Iron Triangle

Bonus scenarios:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding scenario:

Battle Of Nagashino: Successfully complete the "1582" scenario in Unification mode.
Incident In Osaka: Successfully complete a "Unification" scenario with a "Regent" rank.
Onin Legacy: Successfully complete a "Unification" scenario with a "Shogun" rank.
Ten Years After: Successfully complete the "1570" scenario in Unification mode.
The Final Battle: Successfully complete a "Unification" scenario with all researchable
                  Zechnologies completed.
To Declare War: Successfully complete a "Unification" scenario while playing as the
                Oda Clan, and view five Nobunaga-related events.

Bonus officers:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding officer:
Bokuden Tsukahara, Chiyo Yamanouchi, Goemon Ishikawa, and Sukezaemon Ruson:
Successfully complete one of the "4-Star" scenarios in Challenge mode.
Masashige Kusunoki: Successfully complete the Kinki region in Local mode.
Michizane Sugawara: Successfully complete the Kyushu region in Local mode.
Munetaka Nasu: Successfully complete the Sanyo/Sanin/Shikoku region in Local mode.
Takauji Ashikaga: Successfully complete the Kanto region in Local mode.
Tamuramaro Sakanoue: Successfully complete the Ezo/Mutsu/Dewa region in Local mode.
Yoshinaka Kiso: Successfully complete the Koshin/Hokuriku/Tokai region in Local mode.
