Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantasy 13

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

Commando's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Commando role.
Ravager's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Ravager role.
Sentinel's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Sentinel role.
Saboteur's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Saboteur role.
Synergist's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Synergist role.
Medic's Seal (Bronze): Mastered the Medic role.
Limit Breaker (Silver): Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
Adamant Will (Silver): Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworld wilds.
Master's Seal (Silver): Fully developed all characters.
Treasure Hunter (Gold): Held every weapon and accessory.
Loremaster (Gold): Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
