Fat Princess

Fat Princess

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

  1-800-CAKE (Bronze): Kill 2253 players online with at least 50 kills using
  each class.
  Cake or Death (Bronze): Win 100 online games.
  Chubby Chaser (Bronze): Protect and escort the Princess 20 tims in online
  Don't Make Me Slap You! (Bronze): Slap 20 objects out of enemy's hands in
  online games.
  Father McHealy (Bronze): Heal teammates for a total of 500 hearts in online
  Fed Zeppelin (Bronze): Rescue the Princess by using the enemy's Catapult in an
  online game.
  Gluteus Maximus (Bronze): Defeat all Gladiate arenas.
  Got wood? (Bronze): Deliver 15 resources of wood or metal to the team's
  stockpile in online games.
  Half the Calories Eat Twice as Much (Bronze): Feed the Princess 1500 calories
  of food in a single online game.
  I need a hammer... (Bronze): Build 30 Castle upgrades or Siege Weapons in
  online games.
  Little Pecker (Bronze): Kill an enemy as a chicken in an online game.
  Oh, It's On! (Bronze): Kill 10 enemies with any combination of classes in
  online games.
  Operation Eagledrop (Bronze): Fly 2000 meters in online games.
  Ring Sting (Bronze): Heal, Burn, Curse and Freeze 6 characters at the same
  time in a single online game.
  Shish Kebab (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies using the Fire Torch upgrade in online
  The cake is not a lie! (Bronze): Complete The Legend of the Fat Princess.
  The Dark Side (Bronze): Kill 200 enemies by only using Dark Magic in online
  This is Caketown! (Bronze): Block 100 projectiles with your shield in online
  Thuggee (Bronze): Kill 88 enemies in a single online game without dying.
  Who's Your Daddy? (Bronze): Kill 6 enemies within 1 second in an online game.
  You're Not Cooking... (Bronze): Kill 100 enemies with Fire magic in online
