

Find all 60 puzzle pieces and successfully complete all jigsaw puzzles in every
World. The broken ladder that leads to the attic in the house where levels are
selected will now be fixed. Climb up and enter the door to access World 1.
Successfully complete World 1 again to view the Epilogue. You can now revisit
the Epilogue by walking into the hidden alcove on the left side of the title

Alternate ending sequence:
Collect the first seven secret stars to unlock the last secret star in the final
level. Some of the switches in that level can no longer be affected by time
manipulation, allowing the last secret star to be collected and changing the

New journal text in Epilogue:
Every room in the Epilogue except the last one has one or more objects that you
can stand behind. Open the red journal on that screen, and display its text.
Stand behind one of the previously described objects. If done correctly, you
will hear a sound and new text will appear. Note: If you open a green book, the
red book will close, and the text will disappear. Time manipulation must then be
used to see all four new text.

  First room: Read the red book, then find the hidden book with the scream.

  Second room: Drop down, read the red book, then use time manipulation to
  rewind up to the left hand ledge. Walk behind the scenery until you hear the
  sound again.

  Third room: Read the red book, then walk into the next room. Stand on the left
  side of the green platform. Use time manipulation to rewind until you hear the
  green book close. Walk back into the third room. Move behind the rock.

  Fourth room: Hit the switch so that the green platform goes up. Hit the switch
  to bring it back down. Stand on the red book. Use time manipulation to rewind
  so that the platform moves up with you on it. Run off the left of the
  platform. Look behind the rock for the sound.

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

  Traversed Level 2 (Bronze): Traversed Level 2.
  Traversed Level 3 (Bronze): Traversed Level 3.
  Traversed Level 4 (Bronze): Traversed Level 4.
  Traversed Level 5 (Bronze): Traversed Level 5.
  Traversed Level 6 (Bronze): Traversed Level 6.
  Solved Level 2 (Silver): Solved Level 2.
  Solved Level 3 (Silver): Solved Level 3.
  Solved Level 4 (Silver): Solved Level 4.
  Solved Level 5 (Silver): Solved Level 5.
  Solved Level 6 (Silver): Solved Level 6.
  Solved Game (Silver): Solved the entire game.
  Full Speed Run (Silver): Did some kind of speed run through the game.
