Cheat Codes Gameboy Extreme Ghostbusters

Extreme Ghostbusters

Level Password:
The Hall                   HGBNL14VJ
Corridor                   5PMDTF/K2
Office                     21QSR9JTS
Big Building Boss          8G20S86SC
Racing 2                   30J82JBMB
The Main Aisle             BNKN34SMW
The Crypt                  V8JNNVGLC
Closer to the Underworld   MD*XN7KTJ
Racing 3                   VD*PJKFTS
In the Wings               MDZ9KK/T8
Ethereal Ball              MD2TK4XTK
On Stage                   WS0PJ6LTC
Broadway Star Theater Boss VS31JL9TW
Racing 4                   LDK9K6HTC
Don't Forget the Guide     WSJPJLZIV
Carnivorous and Hungry     WSFKP6WT3
The Final Confrontation    MS29P

Enter "LXK8KKFTL" as a password
