Virtual Villagers 3 - The Secret City iPhone Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Virtual Villagers 3 - The Secret City

Unlimited honey:
If one of your villagers likes to run, have that villager smoke the hive.
By doing this, the bees will stay and you will have never-ending honey.

Start with lots of food:
Before starting the game, set your system date ahead by one day. Start
the game. After smoking the bees and planting your first seed , allow the
game to run and set your clock to the correct date.
You should now have 3,000 honey and 1,000 fruit.

Getting food:
The honey is your first source. Make sure your firewood and dry grass is
gathered and started before attempting this. The next step to get food is
to repair the lift located next to the fruit tree by the water. You must
advance your Restoration one level in the Tech department. Make sure to
have at least one or two villagers in Researching to earn those Tech points.
After advancing one Restoration level you need three builders at once to fix
the lift. After it is fixed, while it rains quickly drag a villager onto the
flat end of the lift to stand on it. It will lift them up and they will knock
down a fruit seed. You can use it to plant another fruit tree.
You can have a total of three fruit trees.

The lift is useful for placing an adult and allowing you to find them in the
same place a few seconds later. You can use this to get the couples you want
to have babies. Other places where villagers linger are the waterfalls and
bath (when completed).

Finding respawned objects:
When your adults are collecting objects (keys, firewood, etc.), they may drop
them if interrupted by a celebration or if you click on them. The item will
then respawn to where it was originally found.

Building the big green blue statue:
To build the big green blue statue, must purchase Leadership and Restoration.

Gem key:
Keep lighting the fire. You will notice sparkles around the fire. Let it burn
out and the key should appear. However, it is too hot to pick up. Go to the
waterfalls where the villagers get a drink and drop them there. The key must
be there in order to do this. The villagers action will be "Putting water on
the firepit". Keep doing until it has cooled.

Pink diamond key:
You will need to have solved Puzzle 3. Collect the following herbs for a potion:
Cactus, Rose, Lotus. Make the potion and have a villager other than a nursing
mother drink it. That villager should feel "light and springy". Drop them near
the pink diamond (the hanging object) just above the rose plant. Their action
should read "Trying to reach the key". They will jump up and collect the key.

Clam key:
You will need to have solved Puzzle 9 (the big statue). Once the statue is
completed, a pearl will appear (not the key). Have a Master Builder pick up the
pearl. He or she will take it to the waterfall to be "finished". Then, have the
tribal chief pick up the finished blue pearl. The chief will use the pearl to
get the key from the giant clam.

Your villagers will "see" the following herbs when you fly them over.

* The Cactus is located just above the Science area.
* The Black Orchid is on the edge of the grassy area below the orchard.
* The Rose is located on the right edge of the orchard, below the hanging object.
* The Lotus is to the left of the stairs near the bath.
* The Tiger Lily is partway up the path to the door (orange flower on right).
* The Berry (Magic) or Pitcher Plant (Nature) is located to the left of the alchemy
  lab, where the kids go when nature calls. These plants only appear when you have
  purchased level 2 in your faction.

Potion combinations:
Ingredients                      Result    
Rose + Rose + Rose                 Romantic/Embrace
Rose + Rose + Black Orchid         Feels lonely
Rose + Rose + Cactus               Fertile
Rose + Rose + Lotus                Happy feet; dances
Rose + Rose + Tiger Lily           Stinky Breath; burps green cloud
Rose + Black Orchid + Black Orchid Stomachache; minor health gone
Rose + Black Orchid + Cactus       Burns; minor health gone
Rose + Black Orchid + Lotus        Awful; makes villager sick
Rose + Black Orchid + Tiger Lily   Burns; minor health gone
Rose + Cactus + Cactus             Yummy; kids drink
Rose + Cactus + Tiger Lily         Crazy
Rose + Lotus + Lotus               Fertile
Rose + Lotus + Tiger Lily          Woozy; villager spins and sits
Rose + Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily     Fun; acts like child
Black Orchid + Cactus + Cactus     Awful; makes Villager sick
Black Orchid + Cactus + Lotus      Energy; runs a short while
Black Orchid + Cactus + Tiger Lily Must exercise
Black Orchid + Lotus + Lotus       Nasty, bitter
Black Orchid + Lotus + Tiger Lily  Has to go; nature calls
Cactus + Cactus + Cactus           Minor health gained
Cactus + Cactus + Lotus            Medium health gained
Cactus + Cactus + Tiger Lily       Nasty, bitter
Cactus + Lotus + Lotus             Medium health gained
Cactus + Lotus + Tiger Lily        Feels hungry; eats a lot
Cactus + Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily   Nasty, bitter
Lotus + Lotus + Lotus              In a trance
Lotus + Lotus + Tiger Lily         Villager hiccups and jumps
Lotus + Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily    Nasty, bitter

-=Nature Faction=-
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant  Itchy
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Rose           feel better
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid   Sleepy; sits/lays down
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Cactus         Feel better
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Lotus          Feel better
Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Tiger Lily     Awful; makes villager sick
Pitcher Plant + Rose + Rose                    Soapy; hiccups floating bubbles
Pitcher Plant + Rose + Black Orchid            Burns; minor health gone
Pitcher Plant + Rose + Cactus                  Feel better
Pitcher Plant + Rose + Lotus                   Fertile
Pitcher Plant + Rose + Tiger Lily              Hiccups; villager hiccups and jumps
Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid + Cactus          Nasty, bitter
Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid + Lotus           Burns; minor health gone
Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid + Tiger Lily      Has to go; nature calls
Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Cactus                Too hot; tries to cool off
Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Lotus                 Feel better
Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Tiger Lily            Nasty, bitter
Pitcher Plant + Lotus + Lotus                  Has an epiphany in a trance
Pitcher Plant + Lotus + Tiger Lily             Stomachache; minor health gone
Pitcher Plant + Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily        Nasty, bitter

-=Magic Faction=-
Berry + Berry + Berry           Paralyzed
Berry + Berry + Rose            Burns; minor health gone
Berry + Berry + Black Orchid    Sleepy; sits/lies down
Berry + Berry + Cactus          Nasty, bitter
Berry + Berry + Lotus           Burns; minor health gone
Berry + Berry + Tiger Lily      Awful; makes villager sick
Berry + Rose + Rose             Gets rid of sharks; several villagers take to ocean
Berry + Rose + Black Orchid     Burns; minor health gone
Berry + Rose + Cactus           Scientific clarity
Berry + Rose + Lotus            Yummy
Berry + Rose + Tiger Lily       Yummy
Berry + Black Orchid + Cactus   Blind
Berry + Black Orchid + Lotus    Feels smarter
Berry + Cactus + Cactus         Freezing; tries to get warm
Berry + Cactus + Lotus          Feel better
Berry + Cactus + Tiger Lily     Nasty, bitter
Berry + Lotus + Lotus           Epiphany/trance
Berry + Lotus + Tiger Lily      Stomachache; minor health gone
Berry + Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily Teleport villager near beach

Easy parenting skill:
This trick requires an elderly female. Instead of actually having to make the
babies and wait out their growth, just have your person be with an older woman.
Use a male on the elderly female as if you wanted them to have children.
Continually do this. Only use the male on the female, because if you use the
female on the male the female will get the points.

Quick babies:
Place a male on a female or vice-versa. The message "Going indoors for some
privacy" will appear. Move the male villager from his place. You will see a
baby in the hand of the female villager.

Faster events:
The time in the game runs is based on your computer's clock. It is possible to
shorten things by setting the clock ahead and then going back. Be careful though,
sometimes people will die over this time.

Easy magic food:
Note: A Tribal Chief is required for this code. Drag your chief to the food. He
will either create magic food or refuse. If he refuses, do the following. Go to
"Menu", then "Options". Set the time to paused. Press Stop then go to "Settings",
then "General", then "Date And Time", then "Set Date And Time". Select the current
date and advance it by one day. Return to the game and unpause the time.
Drag your Tribal Chief back to the food. He will now create more magic food.
Repeat this as many times as desired.

Sometimes if you haven't played the game for a few days, mysterious-sounding music will
play and an orange text box may appear. A certain random event will occur.
The following is a list of events (a.k.a. "scenarios") that I can remember:

1. ant scenario
2. shooting star
3. the return of Biggles
4. black beans
5. mysterious crate
6. villager with stomach problem
7. wax scenario
8. green pearl
9. villager romance
10. the playful dolphins/ otters

There are many more and the option you choose could determine the fate of the village and
its inhabitants. Some of the bad things that could result in your decision are skill/memory
loss, death, or a loss of food/ Tech points. Some good things that could happen are skill
gain, new villagers, more food/Tech Points/resources, and more.
