Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes XBox 360 Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes

At the "Cheats" menu in the shop, press Down, Left, Right, Up, Right,
Up, Left, Down to unlock the mini-gun.

Ultimate lightsaber:
At the "Cheats" menu in the shop, press Right, Down(2), Up, Left, Up(2),
Down to unlock the ultimate lightsaber.

Lightsaber Throw:
At the "Combat Upgrades" menu in the shop, press Left(2), Right(2), Up,
Down(2), Up to unlock the Lightsaber Throw upgrade.

Spider Droid:
At the "Droid-Jak Upgrades" menu in the shop, press Up, Left, Down,
Left, Right, Left(3) to unlock the Spider Droid upgrade.

Big head mode:
At the "Cheats" menu in the shop, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left,
Right, Down, Up.
