Saints Row 2 360 Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Saints Row 2

Cheat Codes:
Pause game play, then access the cell phone. Choose the "Dial" option,
then enter one of the following numbers, including the # symbol, and
press "Send". A message will confirm correct code entry. Then, go to
"Cheats" and select the now unlocked option.

Player ability:

Result                 Phone number
Full Health          - #1
Car Mass Hole        - #2
Milk Bones           - #3
Add Police Notoriety - #4
Player Pratfalls     - #5
Infinite Sprint      - #6
Unlimited Clip       - #9
Infinite Ammo        - #11
Heaven Bound         - #12
Add Gang Notoriety   - #35
Never Die            - #36
No Cop Notoriety     - #50
No Gang Notoriety    - #51
I Am Giant           - #200
Itty Bitty           - #201
Give Cash ($1000)    - #2274666399


Result                 Phone number
Repair Car           - #1056
Ambulance            - #1040
Anchor               - #1041
Atlasbreaker         - #1042
Attrazione           - #1043
Backdraft            - #1044
Backhoe              - #1045
Bag Boy              - #1046    
Baron                - #1047    
Bear                 - #1048    
Bootlegger           - #1049    
Bulldog              - #1050    
Bulldozer            - #1051    
Compton              - #1052    
Eiswolf              - #1053    
FBI                  - #1054    
Five0                - #1055    
Hollywood            - #1057    
Justice              - #1058    
Kent                 - #1059    
Mag                  - #1060    
Mixmaster            - #1061    
Mongoose             - #1062    
Oring                - #1063    
Phoenix              - #1064    
Quasar               - #1065    
Quota                - #1066    
Rampage              - #1067    
Raycaster            - #1068    
Reaper               - #1069    
Septic Avenger       - #1070    
Shaft                - #1071    
Stilwater Municipal  - #1072    
Superiore            - #1073    
Taxi                 - #1074    
The Job              - #1075    
Titan                - #1076    
Toad                 - #1077    
Varsity              - #1078    
Venom Classic       - #1079    
Vortex               - #1080    
Zenith               - #1081    
Horizon              - #711    
Snipes57             - #712    
Tornado              - #713    
Wolverine            - #714    
Kaneda               - #801    
Kenshin              - #802    
Melbourne            - #803    
Sabretooth           - #804    
Sandstorm            - #805    
Widowmaker           - #806    
Hurricane            - #825    
Miami                - #826    
Python               - #827    
Shark                - #828    
Skipper              - #829    


Result                 Phone number   
12 Guage             - #920
44 Shepherd          - #921
AR200                - #922
AR50                 - #923
AR50 Launcher        - #924
AS14                 - #925
Baseball Bat         - #926
Chainsaw             - #927
Fire Extinguisher    - #928
Flamethrower         - #929
Flashbang            - #930
GAL43                - #931
GDHC                 - #932
Grenade              - #933
Holt 55              - #934
K6 Krukov            - #935
Knife                - #936
Machete              - #937
McManus2010          - #938
Minigun              - #939
Molotov              - #940
Nightstick           - #941
NR4                  - #942
Pepper Spray         - #943
Pimp Cane            - #944
Pipe Bomb            - #945
RPG                  - #946
RPG Annihilator      - #947
Samurai Sword        - #948
Satchel              - #949
Shock Paddles        - #950
SKR-9                - #951
Sledgehammer         - #952
Stungun              - #953
T3K Urban            - #954
Tire Iron            - #955
Tombstone            - #956
Vice 9               - #957
XS-2                 - #958
Pimp Slap            - #969


Result               Phone number   
Wrath of God         - #666
Overcast             - #78665
Heavy Rain           - #78666
Light Rain           - #78668
Clear Skies          - #78669
Normal Weather       - #78670


Result                 Phone number
Super Explosions     - #7
Super Saints         - #8
Drunk Pedestrians    - #15
Evil Cars            - #16
Low Gravity          - #18
Pedestrian War       - #19
Raining Pedestrians  - #20
Everybody Get Shrunk - #202
Time Set Noon        - #1200
Time Set Midnight    - #2400

Retailer promotion vehicles:

Result                  Phone number
Gyro Daddy helicopter - #4976
Destroy UFO           - #728237
Peewee mini-bike      - #7266837

Service phone numbers:
Pause the game, then access the cell phone. Select "Dial", then enter one
of the following numbers, and choose "Send" to call the corresponding

Service              Phone number
Airport            - 5553597
Big Willy's Cab    - 8198415
Bling Bling        - 5554233
Brown Baggers      - 5553765
Cocks              - 5552626
Company of Gyros   - 5554976
Cycles             - 5552453
EagleLine Yellow   - 0180174
Emergency          - 911
Eye for an Eye     - 5555966
Foreign Power      - 5552046
Forgive and Forget - 5554448
Freckle Bitch's    - 5556328    
Friendly Fire      - 5554867    
Fire Department    - 5553473    
Giftshop           - 5557577    
HazMat             - 5556677    
Image as Designed  - 5558459    
Impression         - 5553248    
Leather and Lace   - 5552662    
Legal Lee's        - 5559467    
On The Rag         - 5555926    
On Thin Ice        - 5552564    
Police             - 5557973    
Pimps 'R Us        - 5557467    
Rim Jobs           - 5553493    
Rusty's Needle     - 5558287    
Ship It            - 5557447    
Spelunkers         - 5552283    
Suicide Hotline    - 4876837    
Tee'N'Ay           - 5559866    
TNA Taxis          - 4558008    
Ultor Security     - 411    

Complete the indicated activities or tasks to unlock the corresponding reward.

Brotherhood melee                       - Brotherhood mission 6.
Health regeneration 2x                  - Snatch level 3 in Chinatown.
Health regeneration 3x                  - Snatch level in Chinatown.
Improved weapon accuracy                - Septic Avenger level 3 in suburbs.
Improved weapon accuracy (more)         - Septic Avenger level 6 in suburbs.
Pumped up (increased melee damage)      - Fight Club level 3 in arena.
Pumped up (more increased melee damage) - Fight Club level 6 in arena.
Reduced bullet damage                   - Heli Assault level 3 in Bario.
Ronin melee                             - Ronin mission 6.
Ronin notoriety reduced                 - Drug Trafficking level 3 in hotel and marina.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced        - Snatch level 3 in University.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced (more) - Snatch level 6 in University.
Sprint increased                        - Insurance Fraud level 3 in factories.
Sprint increased (unlimited)            - Insurance Fraud level 6 in factories.

Store Discounts:
Clothing store     - Crowd Control mission 3 in suburbs.
Crib customization - Mayhem level 3 in red light district.

One follower     - Prologue mission 4.
Two followers    - 25% hood conquered.
Three FOLLOWERS  - 50% hoods conquered.
Johnny Gat       - Ronin mission 11.
Shaundi          - Sons Of Samedi mission 11.
Tobias           - Sons Of Samedi mission 3.
Vehicle delivery - Escort level 3 in red light district.

Customization Items:
Avenger jacket           - "3 Gold Star" rank in Gang Kills.
Bodyguards and ninjas    - Progress through the game.
Fireman outfit           - Complete the Firefighter missions.
Pimp suit                - Complete of Ho-ing Diversion in red light district.
Red Light apartment crib - Prologue mission 2.
Saints hideout           - Prologue mission 3.

Akuji's prototype bike              - Ronin mission 11.
Bandit                              - Multiple driving stunts.
Donnie's vehicle                    - Brotherhood mission 2.
Gang customization cars             - 15% hoods conquered.
Gang customization cars (more)      - 45% hoods conquered.
Gang customization cars (even more) - 65% hoods conquered.
Medical helicopter                  - Ronin mission 7.
News helicopter                     - Sons Of Samedi Mission 3.
Ronin vehicles                      - Ronin mission 11.
Saints ambulance                    - Complete all Ambulance missions.
Saints fire truck                   - Complete all Firefighter missions.
Sons of Samedi vehicles             - Sons of Samedi Mission 11.
Tornado Attack Helicopter           - Complete the final mission of the Ultor epilogue.

AR-50 XMAC Special (with grenade launcher) - Complete all Combat Tricks.
Chainsaw                                   - Crowd Control level 6 in hotel and marina.
Flamethrower                               - Mayhem Level 3 in nuclear power plant.
GAL 43                                     - Snatch level 3 in downtown.
Grenades at crib                           - One Hitman list complete.
Kobra pistol                               - Fuzz level 3 in projects.
Pepper spray                               - Crowd Control level 3 in hotel and marina.
Satchel Charges at crib                    - Three Hitman lists complete.
Shock paddles                              - Complete all Ambulance missions.
X2 Ultimax shotgun                         - Drug trafficking level 3 in airport.
Unlimited pistol ammo                      - Fuzz level 6 in projects.
Unlimited rifle ammo                       - Complete all Hitman lists.
Unlimited SMG ammo                         - Snatch level 6 in downtown.

Enter Any Vehicle Instantly:
To enter any vehicle in the game instance, you must first get on top of the vehicle
(most easily accomplished with cars, and more difficult with other vehicles but still
possible). Simply hit triangle to enter the vehicle as you normally would and you
will instantly be inside the driver's seat. Works on unoccupied and occupied vehicles.

Kaneda Rides up walls:
The kaneda bike you unlock from the ronin missions will drive all the way up the side
of any building. You need to face the wall and then backup far enough so when you go
forward you can wheelie and have your front tire rest on the wall. Then give it gas.
If you just do a wheelie at the wall it wont work, you will just do a big burnout on
the ground. You need to get the timing right so you are just far enough away to be
barely doing a wheelie when you hit the wall with the front tire.

Flying cars:
Submitted by: XBOX360 Guy999

First find the nearest store petrol station and get a car. crash into the petrol pumps and
your car should fly!!!!!
