Buku Sudoku Earth XBox 360 Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Buku Sudoku

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of
Gamerscore points:

  Beat the Basics (10 points): Complete lessons 1-5 in tutorial 1 and lessons
  1-3 in tutorial 2.
  Time Bandit (15 points): Beat the time limit for 10 puzzles in Timed mode.
  Sampler (10 points): Complete 1 puzzle in each of the 3 difficulties.
  Super Sizes (20 points): Beat a puzzle in each grid size: 6x6, 8x8, 9x9, and
  Natural (10 points): Solve 10 puzzles with autopencil and show errors off.
  Friend and Foe (10 points): Complete 1 puzzle in Co-op, Team Battle, and Duel
  in Xbox LIVE mode
  Buku Bank (10 points): Earn 2,500,000 Buku Score any way you want.
  Too Fast (20 points): Complete a single player 9x9 puzzle in 1 minute and 20
  seconds. Hint: you can turn autopencil on.
  Master (20 points): Complete 200 puzzles in total across the game.
  Wired (20 points): Complete 20 games over Xbox LIVE.
  Grand Master (30 points): Earn 10,000,000 Buku Score any way you want.
  Socialite (25 points): Complete 25 Multiplayer Games, in either Online or
  Local Multiplayer game play.
