Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction Earth XBox 360 Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction

Cheat Codes:
At the main menu or pause menu, select the "Cheats" option. Then, enter
one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Note: Enabling codes will prevent achievements from being earned. To
remove cheats, you must delete and create a new saved game file.

Result                                              Code
1 million DNA                                     - cash
AI does double damage and player does half damage - hard
All characters                                    - characters
Energy regenerates                                - energy
Fourarms alien form                               - classic
Health regenerates                                - health
Level select                                      - levels
Rath alien form                                   - primus
Upgrade all alien forms to maximum                - upgrade
