Amped 3 XBox 360 Game cheats,secrets,codes and keys

Amped 3

All sleds:
Enter RT, X, LT, Down, Right, LB, LT, RT, Y, X as a code at the "Cheat Codes"
screen under the options menu to unlock all sleds.

Unlock All Build Objects:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: LT, RT, UP, UP, RB, LEFT, RIGHT,, X, Y, LB.

Unlock All Challenges:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: RIGHT, LB, LT, X, LEFT, ROB, RT, Y, LT, X.

Unlock All Clothing, Gear, Costumes, Awesomeness:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: Y, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, LB, RIGHT, RT, RT, RB.

Unlock All Mountains:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: X, Y, Up, Left, LB, LB, RT, X, Y, LT.

Unlock All Music:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: UP, LEFT, RT, RB, RT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, Y, LT.

Unlock All Tricks:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: LB, RT, Y, UP, DOWN, X, LT, LEFT, RB, RT.

Unlock All Zones On Available Mountains:
Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the
following: DOWN, X, RIGHT, LB, RIGHT, RB, X, RT, LT, Y.
