Dungeons And Dragons: DragonShard Best Cheats

Dungeons And Dragons: DragonShard Best Cheats

Here are the cheat codes to be entered in chat box (key [ENTER]) :

enablecheats enable cheats (acknowledged cheat codes don't echo)

disablecheats disable cheats

victory o/

buildspeed x set build speed to x (x=0: fast, x=100: slow)

fastbuild 1 enable instant build
fastbuild 0 disable instant build

+exp x add x to your experience points
-exp x subtract x from your experience points

+gold x add x to your gold amount
-gold x subtract x from your gold amount

+shards x add x to your shard amount
-shards x subtract x from your shard amount

+level x ?
-level x ?

+all x add x to your experience points, gold & shard amount
