Dungeon Siege 2 Best Cheats

Dungeon Siege 2 Best Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Hit [Enter] and type: (+ turns cheats on, - turns them off)
+bushsux-oluaowr - teleport
+iraqsux-eszaryz - silver ring
+luvtana-aeviyaa - silver ring + weapon + garment
+krisrox-lzjlcoj - less chunky
+superchunky - more chunky
+quwhba - instant kill
+drlife - invincibility
-drlife - vulnerability
+movie - record a movie
-movie - stop recording
+version - display version

Veteran mode:
Successfully complete the game on the merchant difficulty
setting to unlock the veteran difficulty setting.

Elite mode:
Successfully complete the game on the veteran difficulty setting to
unlock the elite difficulty setting.
