Digbys Donuts Best Cheats

Digbys Donuts Best Cheats

Cheat codes only work during gameplay, and not in the Menu System.
tested on v3.0 and are case insensitive
Enter your codes during the game:

HIPDONUTPRO - Remove all of your Blunders
HIPSELLCARS - Gives you many Score (tips) points
HIPBAKESALE - Remove all of the Donuts at the bottom of the screen
HIPFREEPLAY - Unlock all 20 Cities of Franchise Mode, all 100 Levels of Arcade
HIPCPPONLY - [Unknown]
HIPDIGBY - Digby says, "I Just Love The Smell Of Freshly Made Donuts"
HIPSOFT - HipSoft Logo video plays
HIPLOGO - HipSoft Logo video plays
