Championship Manager (00/01) Game Cheats and Hacks

Championship Manager (00/01) Game Cheats and Hacks

Easy victory:
Simply take over the opposition's team. Play all the
players on the wing, which results in your team getting
a big win.

Buy FGN players that have European Passports:
In the player and staff search screen, click on
"Player Search". Then, specify "EU National" under
filters. While you are in there type in, after the
"Text" filter, a country or continent outside the EU.
This will allow you buy to foreign players that have EU
passports such as Alexander Mostovoi (who is Russian/Portuguese).

Opponent has no players:
Choose a rival team that you do not like. Add manager,
then free transfer all their players. Instead of clicking
"Continue", retire immediately. None of the free transfers
will be blocked, leaving them with no players.

Player to buy:
Raul Diaz Arce of DC United

Become national coach:
Select country you want to be on the Select League page,
then make yourself that nationality. When it comes up
with all the clubs you can choose from, click on the bit
which has the nation of the club, then go to the top right
side of the screen and Take Control.

Brazilian Good Player List:
To obtain/see the Brazilian good player list, simply click on
your name on the menubar, go to Player/Staff Search, go to Filter,
type into the box - 'Champion'. (without apostrophes or full stop)
A list of great Brazilian legends/veterans for you to
buy will come up!

Get a Referee Sacked Easily:
1. Wait until you have a match in around November.
2. After the match, ask to sack a referee, but do it five
times WITHOUT looking at your news.
3. Now look at your news. Although it isn't guaranteed,
the ref should et sacked. If not you could always try it
again after another match.
