Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 3 Special Game Cheats

Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 3 Special Game Cheats

Start the game with "launcher.exe -cheats". During gameplay goto
console press [~] (TILDE), then enter the following cheats:

GodModeCora <0> - Toggle God Mode
GiveMoney - Give Money To Player
NoClipCora <0> - Toggle NoClip Mode
BuyAllAccs - Buy All Accesories

press [~] (TILDE) again to leave console.

Extra money:
Buy the Cyclop Hood replacement for $200 in a shop and let it be
installed for $25. Look in the inventory and sell it back to shop.
The shop owner will give you $972 for it. Also, the second hand Cyclop
Hood replacement will make more money then it costs.
