Bubble Bobble Special Cheats Codes

Bubble Bobble Special Cheats Codes

Press [Left] [Right] [Up] [Down] [Left] [Right] [Up] [Down] at
the main menu with the "Start", "Options", and "Quit" options.
Then type in the following codes during gameplay:

[F3] - Level skip
[F4] - Player one extra life
[F5] - Player one unlimited lives
[F6] - Jump to level 98

Press [Right] [Left] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Up] at the main
menu with the "Start", "Options", and "Quit" options and the
diamond rooms will be accessible even if a life is
lost during game play.

Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Right] [Down] [Left]
[Down] [Up] [Down] at the main menu with the "Start", "Options",
and "Quit" options and Shoes and yellow gum are unlimited.
