Act of War: Direct Action Special Cheats Codes

Act of War: Direct Action Special Cheats Codes

Here are the cheat codes to be entered in the
"secured line" box (key [Enter]) :
motherrussia - summon a M80 tank mofo!
coolihaveanewcar - summon a CIA armored van
coolimthepresident - summon a US president
swatatyourorders - summon a SWAT
ymca - summon a US cop
greenjelly - summon a UK cop
bringoutthedead - summon an ambulance
duckhunt - summon a flying duck
blackhawkdown - summon a SA12 anti-aircraft missile
yeepeekaye - MEGABLAST!
keyholemaster - unlock god vision
fortknox - add $1000
ineedalltechnos - unlock all buildings
bigbrother - unlock camera mode
