Aliens vs. Predator 1 Special Cheats Codes

Aliens vs. Predator 1 Special Cheats Codes

While playing, bring down the console by holding
down ~ + F12 at the same time.
Then, enter:

MARINE Cheats:

alienbot - Creates AI controlled alien
freakoftheuniverse - God mode
giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo
god - God mode
light - Creates light around player
marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine
observer - Observer mode on/off
predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator
showcoords - Shows level coordinates
showfps - Show Framerate


gimme_charge - Replenishes Predator energy
skullcollector - God mode
giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo
god - God mode
light - Creates light around player
marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine
observer - Observer mode on/off
predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator
showcoords - Shows level coordinates
showfps - Show Framerate

ALIEN Cheats:

theonedeadlycreautureevercreated - God mode
giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo
god - God mode
light - Creates light around player
marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine
observer - Observer mode on/off
predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator
showcoords - Shows level coordinates
showfps - Show Framerate
winneroftheonegreatbattleoftheuniverse - Become the final Xenomorph
