Operation Flashpoint - Dragon Rising

Operation Flashpoint - Dragon Rising

Bonus missions:
At the "Bonus Codes" menu, enter one the following case-sensitive
codes to unlock the corresponding bonus mission:

Mission                                     Code
Ambush (North American version)             AmbushU454
Ambush (European version)                   SATURN
Attack From The Darkness (European version) AMAZON.DE
Close Quarters                              CloseQ8M3
Coastal Fortress (European version)         Play.com
Coastal Stronghold                          StrongM577
Debris Field                                OFPWEB2
Encampment                                  OFPWEB1
Fire Team Engagement                        BLEEDINGBADLY
Night Raid                                  RaidT18Z

Kicking doors open:
While sprinting towards a locked door, hold [Use] to kick it open.
Easy "Skirinka Island Tour" trophy
In Mission 1, go to the western beach on the island. Destroy the western SAM
site, then walk along the beach to find the hidden PLA helicopter.
