
Evolva Cheats and Secrets

Evolva Cheats and Secrets Full Gene Power: Go into the evolva directory and search for lvl files type *.lvl in Windows search. There are 12 files labeled level 1 - 12. If you open a level with notepad (i.e., level1.lvl, you may wish to back it up first) and change the Genes to: [Genes] Claw=100000 Flame=100000 Spike=100000 Armour=100000 Spore=100000 Stickyfoot=100000 Stealth=100000 Necrocyte=100000 Electricity=100000 Shield=100000 Mucus=100000 GeneDisruptor=100000 This will give you full "genes power." So you will have maximum power with just one animal absorbed. Cheat Mode Go to the mutator screen and alter your team name to "EXTRASTUFF". Exit the mutator screen and save the game. Now enter the options menu and select the menu option "Configure Controls". Two new options should now be here, namely "Debug" and "First Person View" options at the bottom of the menu. Note: To get this cheat to work it requir

Ex Machina Cheats and Secrets

Ex Machina Cheats and Secrets Start the game with the -console command line parameter. Press [~] during game play to display the console window: god([0 or 1]) - Toggle God mode (must be re-activated for new area) givemoney([number]) - Get indicated amount of money map(1) - Full map giveall - 10,000 coins, maximum HP and fuel giveguns ([number]) - Spawn indicated gun truck ([number]) - Spawn indicated truck teleport ([number]) - Teleport to indicated location Easy money: Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "currentmap.xml" file in the "\buka\hard truck apocalypse\data\profiles\ \saves\xxxxxxxx\maps" directory Locate the "Money=" line and replace its value with a number of your choice.

Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles Cheats and Secrets

Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles Cheats and Secrets Infinite lives: Jump button/action button/first person view button/ jump button/shoot button Visier: Shoot button/shoot button/jump button/first persone view button/action button/ Sniper: Action button/shoot button/jump button/first person view button/shoot button/ "Mega shoot": Shoot button/first person view button/first person view button/action button/jump button/ "Fast shoot": Action button/first person view button/jump button/ first person view button/shoot button/ "Boing shoot": Shoot button/action button/shoot button/first person view button/jump button/

Evolution Cheats and Secrets

Evolution Cheats and Secrets 1. Open Find menu 2. Hold pressed Left mouse button + SHIFT + CTRL. 3. Double Click with Right mouse button on Find menu Left Upper fels? side. 4. One Grey line appear where you must write: xocontrolmagic: ????????? xofeedmeseymouria: Map Edit xospawn: ????????????? xobfam: Increase population xokewldewdz OR xok00ld00dz: Demolish selected group

Evolution GT Cheats and Secrets

Evolution GT Cheats and Secrets Unlock Secret Championship: Successfully complete the Veteran Season with a "Bronze" rank or greater. Unlock Bugatti EB110: Successfully complete the Veteran Season with a "Bronze" rank or greater. Unlock Mercedes CLK DTM: Successfully complete the Veteran Season with a "Bronze" rank or greater. Unlock Pagani Zonda F: Successfully complete the Veteran Season with a "Bronze" rank or greater. Unlock Mercedes CLK GTR: Successfully complete the Veteran Season with a "Bronze" rank or greaterl.

Evil Genius Cheats and Secrets

Evil Genius Cheats and Secrets Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + [D] while playing, then key in [~] (tilda) to show the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: df_buildinstantobjects - Instant construction giveall - Get everything help - Display help money 1000 - Get indicated amount of money ( 1000 ) setmaxpopulation - Set minion population showcommands - List commands takeall - Take away everything unlockglossary - Unlock the glossary

Evil Islands: Curse of the... Cheats and Secrets

Evil Islands: Curse of the... Cheats and Secrets ( Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul ) In game press '~' key to bring up the console and then enter "thingamabob". After that the "Activated!" message will appear and all following codes will be unlocked: Code Result @godmode(0,1) God Mode @godmode(0,0) God Mode Off @godmode(0,2) God Mode (All Hits Score) @givestrength(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) Give Strength XXX (# of points) @givedexterity(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) Give Dexterity XXX (# of points) @giveintelligence(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) Give Intelligence XXX (# of points) help List of Console Commands give 0 money x Give x Amount of Money give 0 exp x Give x Amount of Experience Points fps 0 or 1 Show Framerate Note: the "give 0 exp xxx" and "give 0 money xxx" can only be used AFTER you have reached the first town and can only be used at the camp screen. Give Attributes

Evil Dead: Hail To The King Cheats and Secrets

Evil Dead: Hail To The King Cheats and Secrets More mushrooms: When mushrooms appear, collect them, leave the screen, then return to collect them again. Repeat this until they no longer appear. Large med-kit: When fighting a Deadite or Hellbilly, turn on your chain saw and slash at them. After a few hits Ash should jam the chainsaw into them and keep it there. Then, use the ax and hit the Deadite while your chain saw is still in them. When they die, they will usually leave behind a Large med-kit. You can also use the other weapons instead of the ax, but it just wastes ammunition.

Evil Dead: Regeneration Cheats and Secrets

Evil Dead: Regeneration Cheats and Secrets Defeating Frog Deadite Boss: When the Frog Deadite goes to impale you with its tail, move out of the way and it will get it stuck in the ground. Cut it with the chain saw so that the Frog Deadite opens its mouth. When the mouth is open, fire a rocket into it. It should take five or six rockets to kill the Boss. Defeating Rhineheart When Rhineheart comes at you in the final level, immediately start firing your missile gun. During some periods he will shoot ground level blood lines; just dodge them. Other times he will shoot full circle blood waves; jump those. If he gets close enough to you, he will pick you up and start punching to severely drain your life. When he gets low on health he will run to the altar to recharge. If he recharges you must repeat the process all over until he is dead. Face the altar when he picks up the book with his powers to recharge. Kick Sam towards the book, unhooking Rhineheart from recharging. R